Join us to Move More March 11-15!

More than ten years ago, exercise saved my life as a distance runner turned heart attack survivor. The years of training built up strength in my arteries that helped me survive two heart attacks with blockages of 80 and 100 percent. That’s why I am so glad I found Molly Doyle Fitness and started working […]

Recent Posts

Join me in supporting Go Red today!

Today, we will celebrate Go Red for Women in Minnesota at the Evening of Empowerment event. My fellow Go Red Woman of Impact nominees and I, along with 20 heart disease survivors, will mark 20 years of Go Red for Women’s work to raise awareness, improve health equity, and research women’s unique heart disease risks, […]

Maternal health & heart disease

The connection between maternal health and heart disease is intensely personal to me. More than 22 years ago, my first son was born nine weeks early and extremely small (less than two pounds) due to a rare complication called HELLP syndrome (similar to an extreme form of pre-eclampsia). And then, when he was 10, I […]

Women and Heart Disease

Join me in supporting Go Red today!

Today, we will celebrate Go Red for Women in Minnesota at the Evening … [Read More...]

Maternal health & heart disease

The connection between maternal health and heart disease is intensely … [Read More...]

Twenty years of Go Red for Women

Since 2004, the American Heart Association’s signature women’s … [Read More...]

My Story

Everybody Goes Red!

[cycloneslider id="wear-red-day"]   I have the best family … [Read More...]

30 Things About My Invisible Illness

September 9-15 is "National Invisible Chronic Illness Week," and this … [Read More...]

HELLP Syndrome 2001, Heart Attack 2011. Is This Why?

Updated February 2024 I barely know how to process this information, … [Read More...]