A heart sister and fellow advocate and speaker I know is fond of asking her audiences to raise their hands if they know their cholesterol numbers (lipid profile). Then she asks them to raise their hand if they know their blood pressure. Last, she asks them to raise their hands if they remember what they weighed in high school.

Guess which one most women know?

So today is the first “fun with risk factors” post, featuring these great infographics from The Heart Truth, the National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute’s women’s heart disease program.

Since nearly half of American women has high or borderline high cholesterol, it makes sense that you should know your numbers. So get thee to the doctor and find out. Remember, this was my only risk factor, and this one is within your control.

high cholesterol infographic


  1. Heather W. says

    Having a healthy heart has a new meaning for me now, Jen. There is no history of heart disease in my family, and I do not want to be the one who leaves a legacy.

    My blood pressure = 96/62
    My total cholesterol, taken the for the first time, ever = 352
    Triglycerides = 302
    Total HDL = 50
    Total LDL = 263
    I am maybe 10-15 lbs overweight. Now I’m on a statin and watching everything I eat.

    • Heather,

      I’m so glad you are on top of all your numbers and that you are working on reducing your cholesterol!!

      Thank you for reading!